
Writer Meets Heroine

As if out of the blue one morning, while the writer walks to work. The heroine appears in the writers mind. But not just an image of her. No, she is smack dab in the middle of an action packed scene. Writer can’t even warn heroine of the danger she faces. No, she can’t. She’s walking to work and has no paper, and even if she did, there’s no time to stop.

The poor heroine is forced through the same horrifying scene all day, as the writer try desperately not to forget what she wants to write later. The villain attacking the heroine seems to be getting tired of the same routine and tries to surprise the writer by doing something different.

Meanwhile, the hero sits at the edge of his seat, slightly agitated, wondering why he hasn’t been able to come to the rescue yet. He’s not too thrilled about being named after a store the writer happened to see on the way to work either. But what the writer says, goes.

Now, if only the writer had more control over her own life. Or if the writer decided to use what control she does have, more wisely, then maybe, she’d actually have a book written by now!

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